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Guide > Axle ratios Suzuki Vitara I / Grand Vitara I

Types of Gear Ratios in Suzuki Vitara I / Grand Vitara I Differentials

To determine the gear ratio in the differential, count the teeth on the ring gear and the pinion gear and divide them:

Ring gearPinion gearDifferential gearRatio occurrence
4185.125Vitara / Grand Vitara I
3984.875Vitara / Grand Vitara I
43104.3Vitara / Grand Vitara I
43113.909Grand Vitara I

An easy way to check the differential gear ratio without disassembling the car:

  1. Lift one rear wheel. Leave the other wheels on the ground.
  2. Mark the position of the lifted wheel and the rear propshaft with a marker.
  3. While turning the lifted wheel twice, count how many times the propshaft rotates:
    • The propshaft turned five times and a bit: 5.125
    • It almost reached five turns: 4.875
    • It made slightly more than four and a half turns: 4.625
    • It made just under four and a half turns: 4.3
    • Almost four turns of the driveshaft: 3.909


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